Links To Some Great Information, Products and Serivces!
Hand Coloring - The Parent company of Marshall Oil's. Find dealers & products
Photography - The best Pro Lab I've worked with. Cathy & Mark truly understand your prints needs.
Greeting Cards
SendOutCards: - Send Out Cards is an automated yet personalized greeting card system. You can send your friends or clients a custom card, in your own handwriting, with your photos or logo on the card - without ever leaving your home or office. This is a real paper card in a real envelope with a real US stamp! NOT an E card!
Business Development & Cool Informative Sites
Newsletters & Blogs
Barney Davey :
Corey Huff:
Allison Stanfield :
Professional Artist Magazine:
Artist's U
Artists U is a grassroots planning and professional development program run by and for artists. Everything they do is free and open-source.
I attended an inspiring workshop: Building a Sustainable Life as an Artist lead by Artist's U founder, Andrew Simonet.
Covered in this intensive two-day workshop: strategic planning, artist statement, and time and money management. The workshop is based on the book titled: MAKING Your Life as an Artist by Andrew Simonet. You will walk away with tons of new ideas and resources to support and promote your art business.
Workshops are held in Philadelphia, Baltimore and North Carolina. Both the workshop and the e-book are FREE!
Download the e-book for free.
Cool Tools & Services - If you believe in the Laws of Attraction, then this may be for you!
Dee - I just love Dee's work!